If you live in and around Charleston, SC, you might have come across one of the five Habitat for Humanity affiliates. You may have seen families and people from all walks of life come together to build a home from scratch for someone in need. However, if you are new to the area, let’s give you an overview of this mission.
Founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, Habitat of Humanity is a non-profit organization that helps low-income families get a decent roof over their heads. Dorchester Habitat for Humanity, in particular, was founded in the year 1993 and has built over 60 homes in Dorchester County. Beyond Charleston, the organization has over 1,400 such communities in the U.S. and 70 other countries.
Dorchester Habitat for Humanity has a mission of putting God’s love into action. The organization works to bring people together and build homes for low-income group families at an interest-free mortgage for 30 years. We get numerous calls and inquiries every day from people who are willing to support our cause and build a happy society. With this blog, we have outlined everything that you need to know to associate with our organization.
Volunteer With Us
The best way to be a part of our work is to volunteer with us and help our organization grow.
We do not have any burdensome qualification requirements, and first-timers are also welcome. Our volunteering opportunities include internships, community service, and becoming a family partner. Whether your inclination is towards construction work, administrative assistance, or simply helping us out in the restoration work, our range of offerings can accommodate all your interests.
You can enroll in our free volunteer orientation to learn more.
Sponsor Our Fundraising Event
If you are looking for a dual objective of publicizing your brand and contributing to some social good, sponsoring Dorchester Habitat for Humanity’s fundraising event can be the best route. Our range of events includes the Habitat Gala & Golf Classic, Low Country Boil, and Tennis Classic, which occur throughout the year. You can be a sponsor and support our mission.
Attend our upcoming fundraising event this June to learn more!
Even if your work keeps you occupied and makes you unavailable for our volunteering activities, you don’t need to feel sad about it.
You can always assist us with some monetary donations and be assured that the funds will be utilized directly to advance our objectives. We are a transparent charitable organization, and obtaining the details of your fund utilization is quite easy.
We have year-long requirements for construction materials and equipment and will happily accept even your minor efforts. You can also donate your old stuff to us, and our people will be there at your doorstep to collect it.
Click here to donate.
Shop at Our ReStore
Our Habitat ReStore is an excellent opportunity for individuals and business houses to purchase new and used furniture, household goods, and building materials. This way, you are not only making use of these second-hand goods, but their proceeds are helping families looking for affordable housing in Dorchester County.
By buying these used materials, you contribute to the environment by reducing fossil fuel consumption and minimizing landfills in your backyard.
Our ReStore is a win-win for our organization, our donors as well as the environment!
Share Our Social Media Pages
Well, every organization, be it profit or nonprofit, has to make people aware of the activities they are involved in.
To get more assistance, we are active on various social media platforms to help our cause reach the country’s remote corners. So, even if you cannot help yourself, you can share our social media platform and our daily posts regarding our projects.
Click here to visit our social media account.
Cars for Home Program
Our Habitat for Humanity’s Cars for Homes is a unique program that has helped us raise significant funds in the past. You can donate your cars, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, and boats to support our cause. The usable parts from old cars are sold to raise funds, and the remaining parts are recycled into steel which is later used for building homes. We have successfully constructed many steel-framed houses in the past and have saved landfills from unwanted steel generated from vehicles.
Home Ownership Program
Our Home Ownership Program associates with eligible families and builds homes from donated stuff and volunteer laborers. Once constructed, these are sold at no profit or financed with interest-free mortgages.
Click here for more details.
Join the Carpenter’s Club
The Carpenter’s Club Program has been our constant source of income as it allows the donors to fix a monthly sum to be pledged for our activities.
Donors are rewarded with unique gifts and invitations to celebrate the Dedication and Key-Presentation Ceremony for completed homes. These small acts act as a memorial and give immense satisfaction in contributing to social good.
At Dorchester Habitat for Humanity, we work with a vision of building simple and decent houses for low-income families in their community using volunteer labor and donations.
Habitat homes are affordable and ideal for low-income families who cannot afford a home with a conventional mortgage. Do note that we do not differ on grounds such as race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin as our program is ultimately need-based. If you are willing to contribute to our organization by any means, reach out at (843)-439-5845 or contact us today!