ways to donate
Your Donation Empowers Others
Your donation will help provide simple, decent shelter to families in need in Dorchester County.
By giving to Dorchester Habitat for Humanity you help answer the prayer of so many who ask “When will I have my own place?” Through your gifts, we help future homeowners become financially stable and ready to assume the responsibility of paying an affordable, interest-free mortgage.
One homeowner named Jessica puts it best.
“It gets more exciting everyday seeing the progress from start to finish. The best part is teaming up with a wonderful group of people who are just as excited as I am. When I first came into Habitat for Humanity ReStore I didn’t know what to expect. It was a barrier that I broke through because I promised my kids that I would provide a home for them. When they see how hard I work, they do things to help me like wash dishes or sweep up and I’m so proud that they recognize my strength. I just want to see them smile when they walk into our home.”
“It gets more exciting everyday seeing the progress from start to finish. The best part is teaming up with a wonderful group of people who are just as excited as I am. When I first came into Habitat for Humanity ReStore I didn’t know what to expect. It was a barrier that I broke through because I promised my kids that I would provide a home for them. When they see how hard I work, they do things to help me like wash dishes or sweep up and I’m so proud that they recognize my strength. I just want to see them smile when they walk into our home.”
Donate household items and volunteer your time.
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Legacy Giving
Making a Lasting Impact on families who need a safe and affordable place to call home.
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Carpenters Club
Consider becoming a member by pledging $12 or more per month toward each home we build.
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Volunteer for a great team-building experience or become a sponsor.
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